Joey Grossman: Not Your Typical CPA
Joey has been working at Accord for sixteen years. Given that no day is the same, each day brings new challenges for him. As Chief Financial Officer for Accord’s Canadian Asset Based Lending division, Joey is an integral part of the credit process. From working with prospects and assessing their business, to monitoring client’s activity to underwriting and accounting, Joey is involved.
How do you work with our clients throughout their time with Accord?
I work with clients throughout their time at Accord; I don’t have just one specific duty with them. This includes meeting and getting to know them and conducting an initial due diligence, onboarding and then review of periodic field exams. My primary objective is to make the client experience a positive one, both for the borrower and for Accord as the lender.
My role also includes internal operational aspects for Accord such as being a part of the Corporate Accord Credit Committee which approves credit submissions from other business units in the group. Lastly, but very importantly, in trouble loan situations, I work with outside professionals to achieve satisfactory outcomes. My position allows me to work with people all across our organization to ensure our clients have easy access to capital.
With your time at Accord, what work have you done that stands out to you the most?
One thing that stands out to me when thinking back on my time with Accord is when I worked on an acquisition of a competitor’s book of loans and merging their clients into Accord. During this time, I was able to expand my knowledge in the industry by evaluating their portfolio from beginning to end. I met with several of their clients, assessed their businesses and chose which companies we were prepared to lend money to and helped ensure they were easily integrated to the Accord way.